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  • Writer's pictureJ.C. Mullinax

Do You Have The Characteristics Of Joseph?

Updated: Feb 13, 2023

Joseph suffered much at the hands of his jealous brothers. Although a favorite of his father, after his brothers captured and sold him, Joseph spent years in captivity. Yet despite what he had gone through, the injustice he endured, he turned to God for strength and direction and didn't let bitterness and hate overwhelm him. And when God raised him up, Joseph was able to see how the evil done to him was used by God to bring good into his life and the lives of others. As second in charge to Pharaoh, Joseph was in a position to save many lives, including those of his family. In Joseph's story, we see God's sovereignty at work, overcoming evil and bringing about His plan. In acknowledging God's work in his life despite his circumstances, Joseph also chose to forgive his brothers for what they had done to him.


1. What is your response when you experience crises in your life, when it seems that 'life's not fair', or when you are being mistreated by someone?

2. Are you tempted towards discouragement, bitterness, or a desire to 'pay back' or get revenge on the person who has wronged you?

3. What aspects of Joseph's life and character challenge and encourage you?

If the Lord through this Devotional has touched your heart and you are struggling with some unforgiveness, resentment, anger, or depression please reach out to one of our administrators.  That's why we are here. This ministry is a tool to be used by you, the Christian, to help spread the Gospel and disciple others.

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