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BNC Ministries Prayer Group

About Our Prayer Group

This prayer group was originally birthed and begin for truck drivers and all others who are traveling and can not make it home to their local church. People from all over the country join in every morning to pray for all the prayer requests that come in from the website, Facebook and  our YouTube page. please come and join us Monday-Friday at 10am eastern and pray with us. Please send us your prayer requests and forward this to everyone.

Woman with Bible


Our Mission is lead other Christians in prayer for all of their lost and discouraged family, friends and co-workers. Prayer in a Christians life is essential and open's up communication with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Prayer is where it all starts and ends.

Girl Holding BIble


Our Vision is simple. Lead all of the lost and blind in the world into a everlasting love relationship with Jesus Christ. The main focus in this prayer group is to pray for the lost that their eyes will be opened before its to late.

Girl Holding BIble

Please click on the audio player below and listen to one of our prayer group sessions. 

Joining our prayer group is simple. simply dial the number below and enter the access code. Some people like to join in and just listen and others like to jump in and pray with us. No matter what you decide to do please come on up and join. Remember to share this prayer group with all your family, friends and your co-workers

Monday-Friday 10am Eastern


Phone: 667-770-1239


Access: 9287034#

Recorded Prayer MeetingBNC Ministries Prayer Group
00:00 / 17:33
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