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Video Segment Schedule

We offer three different types of video segments each week. One type of segment is daily recurring which includes 5 Minutes In The Word and Lunch Time With The Lord

The second segment is considered a static segment that air live on a certain day and time of the week. These includes Biblical Manhood, Church Thursdays, WMD and Evangelism Minute. The Sunday Church Services has rotating speakers and is good to kick of the week right. third segment are our rotating segments. These segments are live unplanned Videos by our accountability pastors to share what the Lord has laid on their heart at any giving moment. Just remember to share these videos with all of your lost and discouraged family, friends and coworkers. Enjoy our site and if you have any questions or comments please drop us a note. Love yall guys in Christ Jesus

Weekly Schedule


Other ministries that BNC Ministries offers:


1. We offer a daily written devotions. they are posted every morning at 10am Est. on our FaceBook page.


2. We all meet at for prayer over the phone on Monday-Fridays at 10am Est. It typically last between 15 to        20 minutes long. you can pray with us or just pray silently along with us. we believe and have                       experienced that our day gets better when we pray as a group.


Dial the number below and when prompted enter the access code then press #


Phone Number: 667-770-1239

Access Number: 9287034#


3. Small group study is an must and vital tool here at BNC Ministries. please utilize these resources.


We are always looking to fill volunteer positions in the ministry. please fill out the form below and we be in contact with you soon. God bless you.

Positions We Have Currently Available


1. Daily devotional writers


2. Monday night host To conduct live      video interviews.


3. Podcaster to help with start up


4. Video Editor


5. Sound Editor


6. Bible study teacher.



Volunteer with Us
Which days are you available?

Thanks for applying to volunteer with us! We'll get back to you soon. God Bless you always. BNC staff

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